Abraham Lincoln Babe Ruth Bill Clinton The Chicago Cubs Congress Frank Sinatra George Washington Lee Harvey Oswald Marilyn Monroe The Beatles Winona Judd Neil Armstrong Elvis Presley Chuck Berry Supreme Court Justice Paul McCartney John Lennon George Harrison Ringo Starr Stephen King Jack Nicholson James Dean Margaret Mitchell Hank Aaron Nolan Ryan Simon and Garfunkel Edgar Alan Poe William Shakespear Jesus Christ Apostles Humphry Bogart Stan Laurel Oliver Hardey Jimi Hendrix Jack Ruby Richard Nixon Leonard Nemoy Nick Nolte Julia Roberts Meryl Streep Jim Morrison George Bush William Shatner Charlton Heston Roddy McDowell Bill Gates Robin Williams George Carlin Richard Pryor Howie Mandell Adolf Hitler Alexander Graham Bell Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson John Addams The Rolling Stones Tha Atlanta Braves The Dallas Cowboys Sal Mineo Natalie Wood Madonna G. Gordon Liddy Rush Limbaugh H. Ross Perot Walter Cronkite Mr. Rogers Ralph Nader Janis Joplin Woody Guthrie Alice Cooper Dolly Parton Hank Williams Jr. Martin Luther King Abby Hoffman Timothy Leary Dustin Hoffman Martin Sheen Eliot Gould Al Pacino Marlin Brando Clint Eastwood Cher Garth Brooks Stephen Speilberg Oscar Wild Johnny Carson David Letterman Norman Mailer Hugh Heffner Hume Cronan Jessica Tandy Malcom X Steve Allen Benny Hill Theodore Roosevelt Howard Hughes Sonny Bono Little Richard Lou Costello Bud Abbott